03_Design Sprint

Design Sprint

A time-bound process, with five phases, typically spread over full 8- hour days.

Design sprint goal

The goal of design sprints is to solve a critical design challenge through designing, prototyping, and testing ideas with users.

Design 5 phases

  1. Understand
  2. Ideate
  3. Decide
  4. Prototype
  5. Test

Design sprint benefits

  • Save time
  • Creative a path to bring a product to market
  • Prioritize the user
  • Test product before launch

When to sprint

  • Many potential solutions to challenge ?
  • Cross-functional teams needed to weigh in ?
  • Challenge scope wide enough ?

5 Phase

Phase 1 Understand

The understanding phase sets your sprint on the right track and helps your team get a clear picture of the design challenge.

your team takes time to learn from experts and engage in creative discussions with a lot of different people from the other departments and industries, these conversations help you more clearly understand the design challenge.

“The user comes first !”

Phase 2 Ideate

Pumped full of inspiration and ready to ideate some solutions to get the creative juices flowing, you start this phase by coming uo with ideas and building off of them to creative solutions.

Once you’re getting the team thinking, each participant takes time to sketch and present their ideas.

Phase 3 Decide

Decide which solutions you want to build. And eventually decides on the one solution that is most likely to excite users and increase sales.

Phase 4 Prototype

You’re now ready to build the first version of your new app feature.

At the end of this phase, you don’t need a finished product, just something realistic enough to test with users. By focusing only on what the user experiences on their screen. Your team creates a working prototype of the new customizes routes feature.

  • prepping for user testing
  • confirming the test schedule
  • Interview questions

Phase 5 Test

As users test your prototype, observe how they react, and then interview them about their experience.

Your team gains critical insight about challenges that need to be made before you launch the new feature.


  1. Understand the scope of the design challenge
  2. Ideate possible solutions
  3. Decide on the most viable solution
  4. Create a workable prototype

Benefits of design sprints

  • It’s all about user
  • Value every person in the room
  • The best idea rise to the top
  • Time to focus
  • Lower risks
  • Versatile scheduling

Sprint brief

A document that you share with all your attendees to help them prepare for the sprints.


  1. User research
  2. Call in the experts
  3. Find the right space
  4. Gather supplies
  5. Establish sprint rules
  6. Plan introductions
  7. Post-sprint planning


A collaborative critique of the team’s design sprint.

The key question in a retrospective.

  • What went well ?
  • What can be improved ?

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